Sunday, February 18, 2007

The Last 36 Hours

We found out late Friday that the March 2007 Parents magazine came out. It is their "Green Issue" and one of our 100% organic cotton colored shirts (the "Green" one ) is on page 27. Amazing. We couldn't be more excited or happy. It is such an incredible thing to see something that came from our little workshop be in a major American magazine. People at our local farmers' market yesterday were coming by and saying they saw us in Parents and how great that is. What was funny, was at that point, we hadn't seen it yet. Also, this last week, we were asked to be a part of the California Kids Collective, at the ENK Children's Club trade show in New York next month. This means, we will be selling along with Fleurville, Petunia Pickle Bottom, Paulina Quintana and Tea Collection, to name a few. We moving up.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Congrats on your successes! It will be really cool to be apart of your online store soon!