We're giving away 1 "Got Barack?" and 1 "This Mama is for Obama shirt" Both designed and printed by us on US grown and sewn organic cotton t-shirts.
Just give us the following:
1. What's the first change would you like to see happen when http://www.blogger.com/img/gl.link.gifObama becomes President?
2. Name and Email address
3. Would you like our newsletter, if you do not already receive it?
Deadline to enter is July 25th 2008 7:00pm PST
If you can't wait to see if you won, you can purchase them here and here.
Alla hu akhbar!!!
This is a nice blog. I like it!
Oh yeah!! This Mama, she's diggin' Obama! I love this shirt...It's my thoughts exactly!
I'd like to see a lot of change once he's in office, and I KNOW we will see it. Of course, it will take a little while to clean up Bush's mess. Ugggg, thank you very much Mr. President.
Keeping my fingers crossed!!
Terrorist fist bump--shout out to Michelle--hope I win!
grandmas too!
If I cant win it, tell me where to buy it!!
1. That God helps Obama to select wise people and that he WILL LISTEN to these people in these hard times.
3. No thank you.
first change i would like too see is a peaceful end to the so called war.
janet lindsey
no thank you for the newsletter
OH, I would like one of these clever shirts!
As a military wife it is so hard to see my husband go off to a war that I don't believe in. I realize that it won't be easy to completely pull ourselves out of Iraq, but I believe Mr. Obama will make the responsible decision in sending our troops home!
bush and cheney in gitmo
Lets end this war!! And get this economy out of the downward spiral. GO Obama!!
I am with Kari...ending the war first will affect the economy in a positive way and many other things to follow.
I like his idea - he'll examine Bush's legal decisions and eliminate any that are unconstitutional.
I'd really like to see him support and shore up equal (not special) rights for gays/lesbians. I wish he'd refer to it at 'freedom to marry' not 'gay marriage'. Then opponents would have to say they're against freedom.
Iraq is a huge priority but there is no way it can be his first thing - it's way too complex.
End the war.
End the war.
End the war.
Then work on health care.
Love the T! I would love to see our foreign relationships repaired. The last 8 years have really diminished our world standing.
REPEAL the BUSH tax cuts.
Thank you. Obama rocks the DNC!
lizdehart at live dot com
I really want to see something done about healthcare in this country! Not necessarily Universal healthcare, but something affordable for everyone! The insurance companies are making as much profit as the oil companies!
Thanks so much for the giveaway.....I'd LOVE one of these shirts!
Please, subscribe me to your newsletter! ecaito46143@gmail.com
lower gas prices.
End the war
Universal health care.
health care and war issues
health care reform
Bring our troops home (sooner rather than later)
gkstratos@ yahoo.com
We need respect as a country.
he should put g. bush in guantanamo for 'aiding and abetting' all terrorists throughout the world...
i am not a mama, so if i win i would like the other shirt
get a handle on gasoline prices
There are so many things that need to be done but we need to get ahold of the crude oil prices because with that going up its affecting all of us so much (especially the middle & lower class). I hope that there will also be an improvement in the closing of earning wages between blue collar workers and high ranking workers.
Thanks ---
Autumn H.
please send me the newsletter too!
1. Get the US out of Iraq NOW.
2. Tiffany T.
tiffany dot taylor at insightbb dot com
3. Yes please.
Wonderful shirts. Thanks!
I would like to see our relations with other countries improved.
Tonya F.
yes I'll take yor newsletter.
Keep them coming everyone and
get the word out. Lets work together with Obama and bring back this country.
1. US out of Iraq, lower gas, universal healthcare and a literate President!!! Yes We Can!!!
2. charliesangel1973 at yahoo dot com
3. yes to the newsletter!
A stable economy and better education.
Universal Health Care Coverage!
I would love to see a revised health care system right away.
I want him to end this war...please!!!!
I would love to see an end to iraq war.
First things first - fix the economy!!
End the war
Bring our boys home!
I want to see him appoint Louis Farrakan the secretary of De Fence.
I want to see him appoint Rev. Wright the Ambassador to Hatey.
Boxer can be secretary to welfare. They will drop health and education.
Pelosi can be co-host on The View with Whoopi.
Appoint Bill Clinton special envoy in charge of teen prgnacies.
Rosie should be his VP. They both believe in aliens.
I would love to add another Obama tshirt to my wardrobe! I already have two.
First thing I would like to see Obama change when he DOES become president is bring our troops home. Too many have died or have been forever changed because of G.W.'s ill conceived and self serving war.
End the war most definitely would be the first order of business I want to see.
Ending this ridiculous war in Iraq, and passing Canadian style universal health care--a REAL health care plan for ALL Americans! No more greedy private health insurance companies killing people by denying much needed care.
Support the troops--vote for Obama!
national debt balanced
1. Hope for this endless war. Just a little hope.
2. Lisa (Mullenlisa@comcast.net)
3. Sure.
Do something about these ridiculous gas prices..it's out of control.
.First, I hope Obama will try and start bringing soldiers back from Iraq and start the long process of undoing all the damage Bush has done over the last few years.
Then I hope he'll tackle the horrific mess known as the American healthcare system.
I'd like to see the government go back to doing what governments are supposed to do itself, like military intelligence for example, instead of relying on private contractors for everything.
dangotmail AT yahoo DOT com
No thanks
I'd like to see more paid time off for new mothers and fathers. Also, more mandated time to take vacation from work to have family time. We need Obama, it's time for change.
bring our boys home then worry about our economy
Ending the war.
A stronger and more optimistic economy.
The first change I would like to see would be proper English spoken at press conferences---but seriously, that shouldn't be too difficult---so for real, an end to this awful "war".
I would love to see the country rebuild its own infrastructure, not some other country's. Let's fix our economy at the same time, with jobs at home!
How about bringing some integrity back to the country? And I would say get the gas prices under control!
help the economy-alot of people are hurting with the high cost of everything
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
I would say " how bout the charity at home" lets get all the homeless off the streets and get them fed!
I'd like to see the end of this war ASAP!
Elizabeth M.
Yes, please add me to the newsletter!
I would like to see and end to the 'No Child Left Behind' act. What a mess! melcobbriley@yahoo dot com
I want to see the drug war - OVER. And I'd like to see all nonviolent criminals who are in jail ONLY for drug possession charges, let OUT.
That is Ron Paul, not Obama, but I do think that Obama sees the drug war for what it is as well - a very racist, ugly war on the American people.
The deficit needs to be lowered. If our country didn't owe so much money, the dollar would be stronger and the economy could recover.
If he's elected, our world relations will greatly increase. When I was overseas, my perception was that the whole world is praying for him to be President. I hope we don't let them down for our sake. The first change I would like to see happen is to set a definitive timetable to quickly bring the troops home. Thanks for a great giveaway. No, I don't think I would like the newsletter at this time.
1. Oh, how we need someone to reform (or eliminate!) No Child Left Behind!
2. Andrea - voglesongerjunk@gmail.com
3. Sure! It's very enjoyable!
An improvement to the US economy!
I'd like to see a rollback on executive power with laws put in place to prevent he same in the future.
(no thanks on newsletter)
I enjoyed your site. If elected President, I would like to see Barak Obama ban the use of electronic voting machines and return us to the use of countable paper ballots.
EDUCATION REFORM! Oh please please please. I am so tired of the what is tested is taught philosophy. From a teacher's perspective 'No Child Left Behind' is horrible!
Sorry I got on a rant and forgot to answer yes to the newsletter.
End the war! So no other Mama's lose their babies!!!! Great blog and this is one Mama who is just loving Obama! and yes I would love to get your newsletter please
1. free health care for everyone
2. Israel Y. yyeres at gmail dot com
3. no thank you, not at the moment.
i'd love to see universal health care, and more money to education, as well as higher education, people shouldn't have to pay so much money to get a college degree, esp. when to make ends meet it's almost imperative to have one.
and i absolutely love the "Got Barack" tee
I want him to help our economy and fix our current president's mess! My email is abarrett005@cfl.rr.com
The placement of educated people in all positions
Ed theyyyguy@yahoo.com
No, thanks.
I would like to see more jobs come back to America instead of being shipped overseas. Our economy can't stand to lose more jobs.
A recount. Viva President McCain!
President Obama, will, I hope, bring a warming of relations between the US and the rest of the world's nations. THAT would be a welcome change, indeed.
Love the Shirts. I would love to see some health care reform it is so badly needed.
I'd really like to see severe limitations on trade with China. Too much American manufacturing is going over there and they are providing us with tainted goods. By moving the jobs out of the country, that reduces what is paid into social security, which could affect millions of us down the line.
Right after that, come down hard on the oil companies and the speculators and get gasoline to a reasonable price!
We need to get out of Iraq & Afganistan.
i think we need the troops to come home, they don't even know what they're fighting for.
First, bring peace and stability to Iraq and Afghanistan. Second, get rid of "No Child Left Behind" which has crippled our public school system.
And yes--please sign me up for your newsletter!
1. When Obama takes office, the first things he should do is to execute his plan to shift the focus on combating terrorism to Afghanistan, where it belongs and, at the same time, to restore our relations with our former European and Asian allies.
2. Geoff Kaufman - gkaufmanss@yahoo.com
3. No thanks to the newsletter
WEll, I'm hoping that Obama will do something about the health care problem!! It needs to be changed NOW!! I also hope he changes the NCLB laws that do not work!!
I would like to see people express their true opinion without fear of ridicule in the press. I thought we had the freedom to speak our minds. No newsletter please. Thanks for the contest.
I would like to see the Constitution brought back. It worked pretty good the first 200+ years, and I have really missed it these last eight.
health care where it is available to everyone
The first thing I would like for Senator Obama to do when he becomes President is to turn this economy around-fair trade for America, fix the banking and mortgage systems, pass a living wage bill, reform education, stop inflation and make consumerism a major concern. Veronica Garrett garrettsambo@aol.com I do not want to receive your newsletter.
I would like him to put everything into catching osama bin laden. this could definitely quite the conservatives that think a democrat doesn't want a secure country,
i wish he could do something about these damn gas prices :(
1. I hope he keeps his campaign promises, especially on health care!
2. Helen, e-mail in profile.
3. No, thanks.
1. Make college education more affordable.
2. Phyllis Lamken, P.O. box 586, Victor, ID
3. yes.
love the tshirts
I don't like Obama but I hate McCain so it looks like I'll be voting for Obama. Anyways, I really want him to lower gas prices and/or make electric cars more affordable. The gas prices are killing me. I had to quit my job and get a work-at-home job. I had to take a pay cut but I'm not paying for gas so it comes out even. I'm struggling to pay my bills and I didn't qualify for the stimulus check because, apparently, I didn't make enough money last year. I'd also like him to end the war. Two of my cousins have served in Iraq and one of them in Iraq right now and all three of them have told me that they don't know why they are there and that we should bring the troops home. The two cousins that have served have refused to reenlist. They hated the army. I would also like affordable health care. I haven't had health insurance since I was in high school (6 years ago).
Thanks for the givaway!! The shirts are cool!
nice blog.change..hmm.gas prices down.
I'd like to see an end to the war!
Get our country back! Back to be self
supportive. This would mean we all would have to do our part. Conserving
fuel, bringing back companies that have gone to other countries due to cost/taxes ect., let religion be open to all, not just the minorities., teach our children/adults to recycle.
Be what our ancestors fought for.
I would like Barack to install solar panels on the White House. Go, Barack!
Health care for everyone
end of this housing landslide
The first change I want to see is some withdrawal of our troops and I also want to see our economy improve.
Please revise the "value added tax for/during income tax time. It seems the candidates have avoided this very issue. Many thanks. SW
I would like to see our troops
come home and for this useless
war to be over with.Thanks for
the giveaway :VOTE OBAMA:
I would like to see gas prices cut in half, I think that would help a lot. He does need to back off withdrawing on a rapid pace from Iraq.
sure I will take newsletter
1) End the Iraq war safely and swiftly
2) Heather (email in my profile)
3) No thanks :-)
1) "If" Obama should become our President, I should hope his change will start with him to become a man of integrity and he will choose to lead us back to a Constitutional Government. I should hope he or whoever else becomes President will quit behaving like a politician and choose what is right no matter the consequences. We have yet to see such a man in office in many, many years.
2)Julianne (email is in my profile)
3) No thank you :-)
1. lower gas prices
2. Lily (email address is in Blogger profile)
3. no thanks =)
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